Friday, July 22, 2011

I want to know what colleges you'd suggest I look at: I'm a rising senior w/ a 2150 SAT score, but a 3.27 GPA?

I'm Jewish and half Indonesian and half Russian. I have been on the robotics team, did model united nations, and played volleyball (jv, but will be varsity this year) for the past three years. I go to a private high school where the average GPA is 3.57, while the average SAT score is 2020. I'm doing Teen Council with Planned Parenthood during the upcoming year and did one year of Mock Trial during my sophomore year. I have done BBYO (B'nai B'rith Youth Organization) for the past three years and volunteered a lot. Please take this seriously, as I'm very conflicted about the college search. My parents aren't controlling at all. I'd like to go somewhere warm, but I understand that this is hard to do while looking for an academic environment. I'd like suggestions of places that are around the best that you think that I could get into. Thank you.

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